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Electric breast pump Phillips Avent SCF332 01

Electric breast pump Phillips Avent SCF332 01
Electric breast pump Phillips Avent SCF332 01

Electric breast pump Phillips Avent SCF332 01

Estimated value: $160
(excl. depreciation)
Rental price:
1 week2 weeks3 weeks4 weeks
Choose a rental period or number of days:
start end
Tariff per day 4,00
Total 100,00


Philips Avent SCF332/01 Comfort Single Electric Breast Pump is a breast milk pumping that can be used comfortably and when relaxed for mom. It is equipped with smooth massage pads and warmth to the skin, so this stimulate to put out breast milk comfortably. The breast milk that has been put out will produce more when Mom feel relax and comfort. When switched on, the pump automatically starts in gentle stimulation mode to get your milk flowing. Then choose from 3 pumping settings to make milk flow most comfortable for you. This breast milk pump is easy to carry anytime because this has a small shape and light to carry. This breast pump can be used in combination with other feeding products in the Philips Avent range,